

the last decade

After I graduated from Boston University with a broadcast journalism degree in 2011, I moved back into my old bedroom in the basement of my parent’s house in suburban New Jersey where I spent the next couple of months sending my resume and reel to dozens of local TV news stations across the country. Eventually, a news director at one of the three local news stations in Northwest Arkansas offered me my first producing job. I’d be working from midnight to 8 a.m. on the morning show and she wanted me in the office a week later, but I convinced her to give me two.

It was early August when my mom and I fit what we could into her car and made the 20 hour drive to Fayetteville, a city in a state I had never thought about, let alone visited. I planned to stay two years before I moved on to what I believed would be bigger and better things, but life and the Ozark Mountains had other plans. I stayed through the rest of my 20s and into my early 30s and this place and its people ended up shaping me into the journalist I am today.

After 40/29 News, I became a producer and then assignment manager at 5NEWS, but the whole time I imagined myself working for the local NPR station. When I was at a crossroads in 2017, I finally got my chance and became a reporter for Ozarks at Large on KUAF 91.3. Most of the selection of stories below is from my four years on the radio, which is where I found my journalistic voice and sense of purpose.

COVID-19 Pandemic Reporting


In 2020, I fulfilled one of my personal goals as a reporter for KUAF 91.3 and filed a story with NPR about the surge of COVID-19 infections in the Latino and Marshallese communities in Northwest Arkansas.

I have also filed several news spots for NPR’s hourly newscasts about the state of the coronavirus pandemic in Arkansas, a poultry worker walkout to protest working conditions, and the arrest of a Northwest Arkansas man in connection to a viral photo from the January 6th attack at the U.S. Capitol.

Policing, Racial Justice & Diversity

Development, Housing & Homelessness

Local, State & National Politics


Other News Reporting

Feature Stories




Mountain Biker